The strength to overcome adversity — how a women’s gym is transforming lives in Sinjar, Iraq

In Iraq, AHP partners are working to build more inclusive communities so that everyone is afforded the same opportunities. Sonya’s doctor told her she needed to exercise to help her overcome her illness, but in her small community in Sinjar, women were not able to access gyms. Read what the Building Peaceful Futures project did to change this…

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“Joining these sessions will give me a chance to go to university”: providing displaced Syrian children hope for a brighter future in Jordan

One of the greatest concerns for children on the move and those who have fled their homes due to conflict is missing out on their education. As part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership, Plan International and Save the Children are supporting Syrian refugees living in Jordan, ensuring that they are receiving the education they deserve and not being left behind.

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“I saw videos of people in masks and people dying, but I don’t know what it means”: supporting Samoa’s Deaf community through COVID-19

Communicating information about the pandemic to Samoa’s Deaf community proved challenging for national disability organisation Nuanua O Le Alofa, with more than half not knowing formal sign language. With AHP support, they held a week-long forum to support the Deaf community to understand the pandemic, and other key issues.

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