Posts tagged Gender equality
The strength to overcome adversity — how a women’s gym is transforming lives in Sinjar, Iraq

In Iraq, AHP partners are working to build more inclusive communities so that everyone is afforded the same opportunities. Sonya’s doctor told her she needed to exercise to help her overcome her illness, but in her small community in Sinjar, women were not able to access gyms. Read what the Building Peaceful Futures project did to change this…

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Women Friendly Spaces - overcoming the suspicion - Bangladesh

Women Friendly Spaces can provide women with much needed respite and support in humanitarian situations. However, community attitudes and suspicion must be sometimes overcome before some women can safely join.

In Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, CARE has been working to overcome some of these barriers for Rohingya refugees, ensuring the women have somewhere to gather, seek information and find refuge among each other. 

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