Posts tagged Disability inclusion
Specialised, accessible rehabilitation support for Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar

After suffering a stroke in 2021, Rohingya refugee Hassan was left unable to walk or stand, and without access to rehabilitation services. Through a partnership between Save the Children and Humanity & Inclusion, Hassan and other Rohingya people with disabilities now have access to specialised services at their local health post.

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“I saw videos of people in masks and people dying, but I don’t know what it means”: supporting Samoa’s Deaf community through COVID-19

Communicating information about the pandemic to Samoa’s Deaf community proved challenging for national disability organisation Nuanua O Le Alofa, with more than half not knowing formal sign language. With AHP support, they held a week-long forum to support the Deaf community to understand the pandemic, and other key issues.

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Reaching the most vulnerable - Tropical Cyclone Harold, Vanuatu

When Tropical Cyclone (TC) Harold hit Vanuatu in April 2020, the Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster READY partners quickly mobilised to deliver a joint humanitarian response. AHP partners are supporting the Government of Vanuatu and other national partners to reach the most vulnerable and support them to recover and rebuild.

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