In Thaing Khali village in Cox’s Bazar, hilly terrain and low groundwater levels made accessing enough water a daily battle. With support from the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Bangladesh Consortium through CARE Bangladesh, schools and the community now have easy and regular access to clean water.
The two-year Australian Humanitarian Partnership response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Timor-Leste supported food security, livelihoods, agricultural production, nutrition and health.
The Disaster READY program in Timor-Leste is supporting disaster preparedness and helping communities adapt to the changing climate.
Through the AHP response in Bangladesh, the people of wards 3 and 4 in Raja Palong Union identified local disaster risks and have taken proactive steps to mitigate them with the support of AHP partners. By improving connecting roads and a drainage canal, flooding will be significantly reduced in the future, and accessibility has improved.
Two years after TC Harold and COVID-19 hit, families in Vanuatu are getting back on track, growing themselves healthier and more resilient crops with help from CARE Vanuatu’s AHP and EU-supported Helti Kakae, Helti Famili (Healthy Food, Healthy Family) project.
In Solomon Islands, Disaster READY partner Oxfam produced a music video with talented Honiara reggae artist Jah Boy to share messages on community disaster preparedness.
Josefa Lalabalavu, Plan International’s Pacific DRM Manager, speaks on the Disaster READY program for a speech at the Bali GPDRR conference in May 2022.
AHP partners have been supporting the COVID-19 response across the Pacific, and globally. This short animation highlights their work.
As part of the AHP-supported COVID-19 response in Samoa, and with the support of CARE Australia, Samoa's national disability organisation Nuanua O Le Alofa worked with local NGO Women in Business Development Incorporated to distribute seedlings to 400 people with disabilities and their families.
This film dramatises a Disaster READY disaster preparedness simulation in the Oibola community in Solomon Islands’ Malaita province. The local community and partners contributed to script writing and acted all the roles in the short film.
This animation shows how the AHP Bangladesh response has been supporting COVID-19 public health efforts in Rohingya camps at Cox’s Bazar. (Bengali w subtitles)
In August 2021, the Disaster READY team in Vanuatu conducted a successful Disaster Risk Reduction and Tropical Cyclone Simulation Exercise in Canal Fanafo, Santo.
AHP partners in Fiji prepared this public service announcement, which aired on FBC TV, on the importance of inclusive disaster preparedness and response, supported by Disaster READY.
The Famili I Redi (‘Family Ready’) training package has been designed in Vanuatu to ensure that the benefits of labour mobility are felt by all household members and entire communities, as part of the AHP COVID-19 Response to support Vanuatu's economic recovery from the pandemic.
The AHP Bangladesh consortium is part of Australia’s response to the Rohingya displacement crisis, and is supporting activities in 23 camps and with host communities. This video, prepared by the Consortium, provides an overview of the Phase III response.
Save the Children Vanuatu's Protektem Mi Program provides psychosocial support to children who have been impacted by disasters. The program is supported through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership's COVID-19 response.
Naomi Tai is the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DI-DRR) Officer for People with Disabilities Solomon Islands, the National Organisation of Persons with Disabilities. Her role is supported by AHP, through the Disaster READY program.
Diana Ma'ahoro works with the YWCA in Solomon Islands. She discusses the importance of disability inclusion in disaster preparedness and response, supported by Disaster READY.
To support the delivery of gender and child protection in disasters, CARE Vanuatu conducted a Training of Trainers workshop for AHP Disaster READY partners on the Gender in Humanitarian Action workshop methodology.
The AHP-supported UnBlocked Cash program in Vanuatu is using blockchain technology to support those affected by disasters, including women and people with disability, and businesses in their community.
AHP partners in Timor-Leste, including World Vision, have provided support to families displaced by flooding after Tropical Cyclone Seroja hit in April 2021.
The AHP response in Iraq, Building Peaceful Futures, has supported returnees in Hawija and Sinjar with essential hygiene items to combat the spread of COVID-19.
The AHP Iraq response, Building Peaceful Futures, is supporting those displaced by Islamic State with cash grants. Many are returning home to destroyed houses and looted belongings, and the grants help families to purchases essentials.
The Australian Humanitarian Partnership supported CARE Vanuatu’s shelter response to Cyclone Harold in South Pentecost. Watch how traditional materials and knowledge were used in the recovery.
In Vanuatu, Disaster READY partners collaborate closely with government agencies such as the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and with communities on inclusive disaster preparedness and planning through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
Oxfam in Vanuatu has been rolling out blockchain-based cash transfers to people impacted by COVID-19 and Cyclone Harold, with the support of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
Community information videos on COVID-19 for PNG. Produced by Oxfam with support from ABC International Development and the Australian Government as part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
Community information videos on COVID-19 for PNG. Produced by Oxfam with support from ABC International Development and the Australian Government as part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
If you're living with a disability, or providing care for others, consider what changes you might need to make to stay healthy during COVID-19. This community information video was produced by Oxfam with support from ABC International Development and the Australian Government as part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
In April, 2020, Tangoa Island in Vanuatu was hit with full force by category 5 Tropical Cyclone Harold, only a month after the WHO had declared the COVID-19 pandemic.
Australian Humanitarian Partnership NGOs are playing a pivotal role in supporting the humanitarian response to category 5 Tropical Cyclone (TC) Harold in Vanuatu.
How can cash help people recover more quickly from disaster? Save the Children developed this video for Pacific audiences to support cash program activities being delivered under Disaster READY.
Funded through the Disaster READY program, Save the Children is trialling a cash and voucher assistance program in Fiji. After a disaster, cash can be a fast way to help individuals and communities get back on their feet.
Menstrual hygiene is a huge challenge for Rohingya refugee women with limited privacy in the camps. As part of the AHP response to the Rohingya refugee crisis , CARE Bangladesh piloted a communal laundry with menstrual hygiene management facilities in the camps in Cox’s Bazar.
Funded through the Disaster READY program, Save the Children is trialling a cash and voucher assistance program in Fiji. Cash can be the best way to support communities after a disaster.
Following severe flash floods in Attapue Province in the southeast of Laos in July 2018, Plan International launched an emergency response to support food-affected children and their families.
The Building Peaceful Futures program is taking an inclusive approach by addressing barriers to learning for girls and children with disabilities so all children get the chance reclaim their future.
In 2018, Save the Children Australia led a study into the general feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in responding to disasters in Fiji through Disaster READY.
Funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership, Save the Children Australia is leading a consortium of NGOs on the ground in the Sinjar and Hawija communities of Iraq. The consortium is made up of the Norwegian Refugee Council, CARE, Humanity and Inclusion, and Save the Children.
Paulina shares how her involvement with Disaster READY in Timor-Leste has helped her support her community to be better prepared for disasters.
AHP partner, World Vision, provided safe, clean drinking water in schools in South Sudan as part of the AHP response to conflict and famine in the country.