Disaster READY is a disaster preparedness and resilience program implemented through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership. It represents the Australian Government’s largest-ever investment in disaster preparedness in the region and sees AHP partners delivering locally-led programs through their networks in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste.
Disaster READY was initially conceived as a five-year program. But with a near 145,000 people equipped with knowledge and resources needed to mitigate the effects of disaster and climate change by the end of 2020, the program was funded for an additional five years. This second phase of Disaster READY will further emphasise the inclusion of women and girls, and people living with disabilities. And the localisation of program design, implementation, and monitoring, along with a resilience focus, will build on the existing partnerships and strengths forged in the first five years.
Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response is a key priority of action in the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Looking ahead: the next five years
Learning from local voices
This next phase will take lessons-learned from the first five years to ensure that local voices — including those traditionally marginalised, such as women and people with disabilities — are clearly heard, as programs are designed and implemented across Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
Disaster READY Country Committees in each implementing country are made up of local representation from partner organisations, who are working together to design activities that will best help communities to mitigate against disaster and adapt to climate change over the next five years. By empowering people from the communities that the program seeks to serve, Disaster READY is ensuring local knowledge informs all aspects of the program from the initial design phase, right through to the implementation and evaluation.
Investing in community
Localisation is at the heart of the planning and design process for the new phase. Each Disaster READY Country Committee has committed to developing and reporting against localisation agendas, measuring engagement with civil society organisations and local government.
Through Disaster READY Country Committees, mechanisms are being put into place to learn each time a community prepares for and responds to a disaster. Stronger coordination creates more space to learn and adapt with every emergency response. This means investments made now will have benefits for disaster-prone communities for years to come.
Beyond preparedness
The second phase of Disaster READY is advancing local action beyond preparedness and resilience, into recovery. With systems and structures in place from the first five years, local partners will now focus on strengthening communities’ capacities to not only withstand the effects of disaster and climate change, but also equip them with the tools needed to return to life as quickly as possible. This focus on ‘bouncing back’ is so important to communities impacted by disaster, as it minimises disruption to crucial social structures like functioning markets and children’s education.
Read about the work taking place in each Disaster READY country
Disaster READY field stories
In Timor-Leste, the lack of clean water in schools puts children at risk. This is further exacerbated for kids living in disaster-prone communities. Disaster READY’s Disaster Management Committees are driving locally-led solutions to help keep these children safe.
In Timor-Leste, Disaster READY Partners are supporting small scale farmers like Marilia to improve farming techniques while also mitigating against disaster.
Through pilots of cash and voucher support in Papua New Guinea, Disaster READY partners are improving financial literacy while supporting resilience.
When her village gained improved access to water with support from Disaster READY, Doroteia was able to become a businesswoman, selling her produce at market.
Terejinha worried about the river every wet season, wondering if it might sweep away her modest home and everything in it. Through Disaster READY, Timor-Leste partners devised a solution.
Residents of Halimea village in Timor-Leste say they have had problems with water access for 450 years. But all that has changed after support from the AHP Disaster READY program.
At Laulana School, students used to love to swim in the river when it was flooded, unaware of the risks. Now they stay away when there are heavy rains, after learning more about natural hazards through Disaster READY.
Through Disaster READY, communities in Papua New Guinea’s Central Province have been supported by ChildFund PNG to come up with their own action plans to improve their disaster preparedness. For Molegolo village, a new water catchment will boost resilience to drought.
Communities in Malmal and Riwo in Madang, Papua New Guinea, are seeing the impacts of climate change and coastal erosion in their communities first hand. Here they share their perspectives, and the work they have engaged with under the Disaster READY program.
Through the AHP Disaster READY program, Plan International Timor-Leste is supporting training for farmers in terracing, an agricultural technique of shaping sloping land to control erosion.
In Vanuatu, CAN DO partners are working on a national media and community education campaign on including marginalised groups in disaster response and preparedness, supported by Disaster READY.
Through Disaster READY, communities in Bobonaro, Timor-Leste, have been supported to protect their water sources from contamination, improving community health and agriculture.
For villages along the Bebui River in Viqueque, Timor-Leste, the river is an important water source. Now, a community-designed early warning system is saving lives along the river during the dangerous rainy season.
Ten schools and surrounding communities in Madang have prepared hazard maps for disaster preparedness, with the support of the Disaster READY program.
Children in Solomon Islands have learned how to protect themselves from earthquakes and tsunamis through a school-based disaster risk reduction program.
Disaster READY partner NGO Childfund PNG, in consortium with Plan Australia, has been supporting local-level governments in Papua New Guinea’s Central Province to better prepare for disasters through planning and training.
Through the AHP Disaster READY program, three parishes in Oecusse, Timor-Leste, have been supported to install water tanks and access training on community-based disaster risk management.
With the support of Disaster READY partners in Timor-Leste, farmers like Elda have learned techniques to weather the country’s long dry seasons to improve their food security and livelihood.
Disaster READY: Three communities in Timor-Leste work together to install a water tank and in doing so, reduce the workload of women and increase accessibility for people with disabilities.
Disaster READY: Coastal villagers in Tinputz District, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, actioned their disaster plan following a king tide.
Disaster READY: In the Solomon Islands, Disaster READY partners are combining tradition and science to strengthen early warning systems. However, in one community it was the birds that provided them with first warning to prepare for Tropical Cyclone Harold.
Disaster READY: The Sanma Provincial Government in Vanuatu reports that their response to Tropical Cyclone directly benefited through preparedness efforts support through Disaster READY.
Disaster READY: Save the Children and World Vision are implementing the ‘DRR Champions of Tomorrow’ project in eight schools across Malaita and Makira provinces in the Solomon Islands. Read how students are leading the way in ensuring their schools and their communities are safe and prepared.
When Tropical Cyclone (TC) Harold hit Vanuatu in April 2020, the Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster READY partners quickly mobilised to deliver a joint humanitarian response. AHP partners are supporting the Government of Vanuatu and other national partners to reach the most vulnerable and support them to recover and rebuild.
Disaster READY: World Vision is supporting remote communities in Timor-Leste to become COVID-19 aware.
Disaster READY: PNG churches are supporting COVID-19 response efforts in Papua New Guinea.
On International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction, we recognise Early Warning Systems as vital component of DisasterPlanning and Preparedness.