WASH activities in Koch County - South Sudan

World Vision's Australian Humanitarian Partnership funded project in Koch County, South Sudan is improving hygiene and sanitation infrastructure in schools, households and health facilities. Disabled People’s Organisations have been consulted in the planning and implementation to ensure activities are inclusive of people with disabilities. Six springs will be rehabilitated to ensure the cleanliness of the water, and eight hand dug wells will be reconstructed. Of the 14 water points rehabilitated, four are in schools, four in health facilities and six in the community. A total of 18,000 individuals will benefit from these water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities, with the project contributing to a decrease in water and sanitation borne and hygiene related disease incidents. 

Photographs: © World Vision Australia

In 2017, World Vision received $4.5 million through the AHP for their South Sudan famine response. The length of this response is April 2017 - October 2018.