WASH and nutrition support to affected communities

With Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) funding, Oxfam and World Vision are providing water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and nutrition support to flood affected communities in Nepal. In August 2017, Nepal was hit with heavy rainfall which resulted in widespread flooding across 35 of the country’s 75 districts. Several districts recorded the heaviest rainfall in over 60 years and 80 per cent of Tarai land was under water. An initial assessment carried out in 28 districts indicated that over 1.7 million people were affected, 65,000 houses destroyed and 460,000 people displaced. These photographs are of elected ward members, members of the Women’s Empowerment Group and Cooperative, flood affected community members and representatives from the Community Disaster Management Committee attending an orientation session in Saptari District, where staff shared details of the AHP-funded project. 

Photo credit: Anjil Adhikari/Oxfam. Date: October 2018.

In 2017, Oxfam in partnership with World Vision received $500,000 through the AHP to respond to the Nepal floods. The length of this AHP response is October 2017 -September 2018.  

NepalAHPSUWASH, Floods